Multi-levels Storage & Hand Picking Rack Support Mezzanine
Racking Support Mezzanines add a second or third level inside your facility to create more useable space. These mezzanines are customized to fit your exact area, height, color and load requirements. Create new production office, storage or assemble space, locker rooms, parts department, stockrooms, cafeterias, company record storage, work platform, distribution centers and more. Mezzanines are professional engineered and designed to meet all building codes.
The bottom shelves support the upper platform, on which the second layer shelves are set. Taking full advantage of the space, it is a typical application for manual picking goods.
For indicating the space economization, Mezzanine can be used in many conditions. Mezzanines are stand alone structures that are normally constructed within a building or other type of open facility. They are typically designed as large square- or rectangular-shaped decks, providing open space directly below the mezzanine.
All warehouse owners want to make most use of their space for cost-saving and profit-maximizing. In addition to some commonly used pallet racks such as VNA racks, drive-in pallet racks, rack-supported mezzanine are one of the most economical storage solutions with extremely high storage capacity taking advantages of standard pallet rack components.
Commonly seen steel storage rack components include upright frames, beams, wire decks column protectors and other accessories. Other special designed parts will also be added to the rack-supported mezzanine namely, flooring decks, stairs, handrails and some protection components. The second or third flooring decks can be engineered with wooden decks, bar gratings, diamond plates, galvanized steel panels, wire meshing decks and powder coated solid steel panels.
Steel storage rack are inserted to this compact storage system with catwalks and extra flooring areas. For different warehouse layout and storage demands, rack-supported mezzanines can be engineered with customized types and dimensions. But no matter how different sizes and layers of rack-supported mezzanine can become, they all follow the same rule, that is pallet racks carrying the load weight and always making full use of available space.
In a rack-supported mezzanine, products can be stored at under-flooring beam levels and also upstairs storage areas. They are widely used in various industrial working areas and environments with increased space while not so much extra cost.
Mezzanines maximize clear space both on top of and below the mezzanine. Mezzanines are available in a number of configurations. Structural mezzanines move open space to the top of the mezzanine and contain shelving or rack units below. Free-standing mezzanines do not have these structural reinforcements but make use of columns to support the mezzanine and the weight of its load. Many mezzanines are modular.
By means of adding a hoist, aisle self-lock, fireproof and many auxiliary devices, it can be supply a big volume stereo storage plan settlement. The mezzanine is extensively used in the condition of high warehouse, small goods, manual access. It can make full use of the space and save the area of the warehouse. According to the actual field and specific requirements, it could be designed as single or multiple mezzanines, normally 2-3 layers.
It is specifically used for sorting storage of automotive fittings, and electronic devices. It could carry about 500KG/Square Meters and other special usages can be designed by us. The general ways of transportation from the 2nd floor to the 3rd floor are: manual, elevating table, hoisting machine, conveying belt, forklift, etc.
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